Local Headline News

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

For this entire week over the Noon Hour News on both AM and FM Stations: You can listen live on the Radio 1580 AM, 103.1 FM or 94.3 FM or listen via stream from our website page- www.windomradio.com

The Windom City Council recently took a tour of some of the city owned facilities in our community.  KDOM sat down with Council person Jenny Quade and discussed her thoughts on the facilities they toured.  Each day during the Noon Hour News time we will be featuring one building on the tour.  Today we learn  about the Windom Wastewater Treatment Center.


Windom Police Department reported an Assault on May 23rd at approximately 6:15pm. An Officer was dispatched to the 1000 block of Collins Ave for a 13 year old boy that was destroying property. After investigating a juvenile was apprehended and transported to a Juvenile Holding Center pending possible charges of 2nd Degree Assault to a 31-year-old female victim that was in the house at the time.


A Community Fellowship Meal is being offered the 4th Thursday of every month in Mountain Lake. The Bethel Mennonite Church in Mountain Lake located at 301 9th Street is inviting everyone- Families or individuals who would like to have a meal to come. This FREE meal will be served from 5:30-6:30pm every 4th Thursday. This month’s Community Fellowship Meal will be tomorrow May 26th. If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to call the church at  (507) 427-3075.


The Windom Area Schools will once again be participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Starting on June 6th through August 19th– meals will be served on a first come first serve basis at the Windom Area Elementary School Cafeteria located at 1200 17th Street in Windom Monday through Friday from 11:30 to 12:30pm. Any child under the age of 19 regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability is eligible for a free meal. There is no discrimination during the meal service. If you would like more information please contact Windom Area Schools at 507-831-6925.


The bass fishing catch-and-keep season (mndnr.gov/Fishing/Regs.html) opens Saturday, May 28, and spring is a great time to cast a line for these fun-to-catch fish. Largemouth and smallmouth bass can be easier to catch in spring and early summer, when they spend more time in shallow water. Later, as water temperatures rise, bass move to deeper water in search of sunken points, rocky humps and aquatic plant edges that offer protection from larger fish and hiding places for prey. Learn more about how to fish for bass and other species at the DNR’s learn to fish page (mndnr.gov/GoFishing/How-Catch-Fish.html)


Spring is in the air and Lutheran Social Services(LSS) Meals on Wheels, Site Coordinator, Kelly Kleven wants to remind everyone that Dinner is served at the Community Center at 11:30am Monday through Friday. LSS Meals- provide hot, nutritious meals paired with a friendly visit and safety check for Minnesotans age 60 and older. Meals are made affordable for a suggested donation. Kleven went onto say that meals can also be delivered in Windom and Mountain Lake and she encourages everyone to order meals you want a day ahead by calling 831-6161.